About Us
Core Values
What that means to us is that we are committed to delivering precisely what we say. Whether it's arriving at an appointment on time, keeping your project on track through all the phases of the process, or the quality of our service, our word counts. Add to that, our detailed approach to documentation throughout the process. Which allows for an even greater level of accountability. When you select Proformance for your project, you are given access to BuilderTrend, which gives you the ability to check the progress, see the project schedule, interact with us and many more features. This ensures the project and your experience are being well taken care of.
Quality Craftsmanship.
Our genuine desire to deliver only the most professional and quality results, every single day, from our Designer who stays up late thinking about the perfect design for her client so she can provide them with the most functional, stunning kitchen or bathroom that will exceed their expectations…to the General Contractor who won’t walk away until that piece of trim is right where it should be, no compromises. Along with the talented trades professionals that Proformance carefully has selected. Whether its electric, plumbing or HVAC, we want only the highest level of skill representing the trade on your project. Add to that, our continued investment to always be growing. That investment in growth can be evidenced in many ways. From the tools we use use daily to achieve beautifully detailed work, to ongoing education and training that keeps us up to date. The minimum standard of construction you can legally build by code, is not our minimum standard. We exceed the standard every time!
Teamwork/Team Effort.
Proformance Construction has the dedication of a highly skilled and talented Designer and General Contractor, who are excited to work with you on your next remodel project.